ALLISON HEDGE COKE, born in Amarillo, Texas, grew up in North Carolina, Texas, Canada, and the Great Plains. She came of age cropping tobacco and working fields, waters, and in factories. Hedge Coke is the author of such poetry books as Streaming (2014), Dog Road Woman (1997), and Off-Season City Pipe (2005); as well as her personal memoir, Rock, Ghost, Willow, Deer (2004), and Blood Run (2007), a verse-play. She has edited eight additional poetry collections, including: Sing: Poetry of the Indigenous Americas (2011), Effigies (2009), and Effigies II (2014). Along with her accolades as an established poet and literary activist, she is also the founder and director of the annual Honoring the Sandhill Crane Migration Literary Retreat and Festival in Kearney, Nebraska. Hedge Coke is currently working on a film-media-lit-music project, Red Dust, and in 2014, served as Distinguished Writer in Residence at the University of Hawai’i at Manoa. Hedge Coke is currently a distinguished professor of creative writing at the University of California, Riverside.
For more information, please visit Allison’s personal website.